失戀男人旅行日記 I Travel Because I Have To, I Come Back Because I Love You
馬切羅‧勾梅茲Marcelo GOMES, 凱里‧阿努茲Karim AÏNOUZ
Brazil|2009│Digital Format|Colour|71’
2009威尼斯影展 / 2009里約熱內盧影展最佳導演、最佳攝影
A 35-year-old geologist is sent on a field trip to the scrublands of a semiarid isolated region in the Northeast of Brazil. As the fieldtrip progresses, we sense that he has something in common with the region: emptiness, a sense of abandonment and isolation. But he presses ahead, continuing the trip in hope that the crossing can somehow transmute his feelings.
6/25(日) 新三 10.30
6/28(一) 新三 22.30