生命異旅 Hotel Atlântico
蘇珊娜‧阿瑪拉 Suzana AMARAL
Brazil│2009│Digital Format│Colour│102’
2009多倫多影展 / 2009里約熱內盧影展最佳男配角 / 2010鹿特丹影展
An unemployed and frustrated actor embarks on a journey, a meaningless trip to nowhere. The strange journey starts a destination “au hasard” at bus station. On the journey he encounters absurd, contradictory, unexpected and illogical situations devoid of cause and effect. He meets bizarre characters, lovers and chance encounters, comes across meaningless and suspicious personages, always on the razor’s edge.
6/26(六) 新三 10.00
7/03(六) 新三 10.30