楢山節考 Ballad of Narayama
木下惠介 Keisuke KINOSHITA
1959日本電影旬報十大佳片第一名,電影旬報獎最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳女主角 / 1959日本每日映畫獎最佳影片、最佳導演
Adapted from a novel by Shichiro FUKAZAWA, the story is built around an ancient Japanese custom. The younger citizens of a remote Japanese mountain village shepherd all those over the age of seventy to the snowy crags. It’s a fate they were expected to meet with stoic resignation. Some villagers question if they have the right to proceed with this "cleansing" process.
6/30(三) 新二 15.00
7/10(六) 新三 17.00