《破碎的秘密》 Last Cowboy Standing  

破碎的秘密 Last Cowboy Standing  trailerbar2.jpg


潔達貝葛洛特Zaida BERGROTH

Finland, Germany│2009│35mm│Colour│120’

2009釜山影展Flash Forward單元大獎


一對小兄弟整天只需煩惱著誰來扮牛仔、隔壁女生討不討厭我……。兩人歃血為盟約定不能比對方早死,然而一個無意間被哥哥發現的祕密,卻讓媽媽歇斯底里、 家庭分崩離析,無憂的童年變成一場無盡的夢靨。十年後走不出傷痛的哥哥,企圖拼湊出這場悲劇的原形。記憶回溯與現實的插敘讓悲劇的原因更透明,也讓親子間的怨懟與包容更形糾結。


Rupert and Evert are wildly imaginative brothers, lost in cowboys-and-Indians fantasies and playground romances with girls. Everything starts to fall apart when Rupert finds a hidden letter. Their mother is taken away after terrible fights and hushed whispers. Ten years later, Rupert is still haunted by his childhood memories, trying to make sense of a series of events leading to a tragedy...


6/26() 新二 13.00 ★(導演或影人出席映後或映前座談)

6/28() 中山 16.30 ★(導演或影人出席映後或映前座談)

7/04() 新二 10:30




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