透明的孤獨 Invisible Loneliness
林容嫺Jung-Hsien LIN
2009柏林影展 / 2009墨爾本國際動畫影展
Since Dady put a key around the little girl’s neck, the only thing she can do is to wish that her daddy would come back and see her sometimes.
白蛇 The White Snake
沈穎芳Ying-Fang SHEN
USA|2010|Digital Format|Colour|16’
A tragic romance of human and snake demon, the human despite the demonic/animal nature of his lover, chose to enjoy the seduction until a pang of sudden fear struck him.
簡單作業 A Piece of Cake
吳德淳WU De-Chuen
Taiwan|2009|Digital Format|Colour|10’
David’s father has to give him a ride to grandfather’s hometown in order to finish his homework about a family story. Eventually his father finds the unexpected opportunity to see his own childhood.
童話獄 The Everlasting Tale
黃祈嘉Chi Chia HUANG
Taiwan|2009|Digital Format|Colour|7’
Once upon a time, there was a fish... It was tired of repeating itself in the same plots. One day, it escaped by accident...
綠.柳 The Green Willow
單忠倫SHAN Chung-Lun
Taiwan|2010|Digital Format|Colour|11’
A widowed father tries to ensure his daughter's virginity by the cinnabar drop stain- Shou-Gong, which will disappear if she loses her virginity. Until a young man comes into her life...
跳房子 Hopscotch
林福清Chin LIN, 黃佩荃Pei Chuan HAUNG
Taiwan|2009|Digital Format|Colour|5’
The moonlight draws a fat cat’s shadow out to a great length. With new confidence, fat cat chases his slender shadow and begins to run and jump…
神畫 Magical Painting
邱奕勳Yi-Hsun CHIU
Taiwan|2009|Digital Format|Colour|5’
Kylin jumps out of the picture after painter paints eyes on it and makes a mess of the painter’s study. Then the angry painter takes out a portrait of Zhong Kuai…
相親秀 Match Show
魏鴻WEI Hung
Taiwan|2009|Digital Format|Colour|3’
A mother takes her daughter, at the age for marriage, to meet a matchmaker. She is a girl of great ability. How can the matchmaker pick her a Mr. Right?
離人啟示 The Outsider
詹富麟Fu-Lin JHAN
Taiwan|2009|Digital Format|Colour|7’
The bus driver is tired of chaos and fidgets. With the guide of black cat, he runs away from the boring crowd until he finds all the people disappeared…
維奧拉:旅行房間的意義 Viola: The Traveling Rooms of a Little Giant
洪詩婷Shin-Ting HUNG
USA|2009|Digital Format|Colour|8’
On a stumble on slippery moss at the 4 o'clock bus stop, seven-year-old Viola, trying to discover the world, puts solitude in her suitcase and begins her dreamy journey.
7/02(五) 新三 15.40 ★(導演或影人出席映後或映前座談)
7/04(日) 新三 16.20 ★(導演或影人出席映後或映前座談)