南方安逸 Southern District
胡安‧卡洛斯‧瓦迪維亞Juan Carlos VALDIVIA
2009東京影展競賽單元 / 2010日舞影展最佳導演、最佳劇本 / 2010柏林影展
Life goes on without major mishaps in a large house surrounded by a beautiful garden in the rich neighbourhood. It is a wonderful world, a great bubble of comfort, where several different personal spheres coexist: the mother along with her three children and the other Aymara inhabitants of the house. The drama surfaces slowly observing day-to-day activities until certain forces make the bubble burst.
7/03(日) 新二 11.00
7/09(五) 總督 12.30
7/11(日) 總督 17.40