音浪潮滿天 Beyond Ipanema
古多‧巴拉Guto Barra
Brazil, USA│2009│Digital Format│Colour│86’
本片紀錄巴西文化最令世界著迷的部份──音樂。電影帶著觀眾從30年代,頂著水果帽征服美國的歌手卡門米蘭達開始,先直擊60年代末期,掀起文化革命浪潮卻早夭的Tropicalia,再追溯50年代,脫胎自爵士與森巴的Bossa Nova所引爆的數十年狂熱,並進一步探索今日多元的巴西流行樂。本片讓人徹底體會,巴西為何能用音樂征服世界,並讓世界透過音樂而愛上巴西。
This film is a mash-up of thoughts and ideas about the repeating cycle of discovery of Brazilian music in the world. Beyond Ipanema surveys the Brazilian music experience outside of Brazil. Artists, producers, DJs and critics analyze how the cross-pollination of music styles, as well as sampling and globalization; have helped Brazil to secure a unique position in global culture.
6/26(六) 新三 20.50
6/29(二) 新三 10.30
精彩預告 1
精彩預告 2