星光時刻 The Hour of the Star
蘇珊娜‧阿瑪拉 Suzana AMARAL
Brazil│1985│Digital Format│Colour│96’
1985 巴西影展最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳男女主角等12項大獎 / 1986柏林影展最佳女主角
It’s about a humble person’s stark introduction to the quirks of a big city. An uneducated and naive girl of nineteen just moves to Sao Paulo. She continually suffers from her awkwardness, however never learnt to hide it by social disguise. She lives with an illusion revealed by a crystal ball that a rich and handsome foreigner will carry her away in his Mercedes Benz.
7/02(五) 新三 11.00
7/09(五) 新三 12.40