歡迎光臨宅男王國 Phobidilia
多隆‧帕茲Doron PAZ, 尤阿夫‧帕茲Yoav PAZ
2009多倫多影展 / 2010柏林影展
A young man vows never leave his apartment and quickly discovers that all his needs can be easily met via the internet, telephone delivery, and TV. His idyllic existence comes under attack when a cheerful girl appears while the agent informs that the apartment is about to be sold. However, he refuses to leave his kingdom and decides to fight till the bitter end…
6/30(三) 中山 13.30 ★(導演或影人出席映後或映前座談)
7/03(六) 新二 15.30 ★(導演或影人出席映後或映前座談)
7/05(一) 中山 16:00