熟T更年症候群 The Owls
雪若‧鄧依Cheryl DUNYE
USA│2010│Digital Format│Colour│66’
2010柏林影展 / 2010首爾女性影展
片名原是一首流傳拉子圈的歌曲,自嘲年長智慧熟T(Older Wiser Lesbians)面對世道的無奈,當年的熱血拉子如今夢已遠。《我女朋友的女朋友》情侶銀幕重現,泰迪熊獎得主《尋找西瓜女》導演藉由一樁意外殺人事件,一個年輕拉子闖入兩對中年女同激起的漣漪,描繪年過四十的同志運動老靈魂,在革命理想遠颺後,面對現實與新世代時的無奈與荒謬。
From the Teddy Bear winner, the director of The Watermelon Woman, “The OWLs” is a generational anthem for Older Wiser Lesbians, these women embraced the utopian vision of Lesbian Nation. Now, approaching middle age, the revolution has eluded their dreams. Caught between a culture that still has no place for them, and a younger generation who are indifferent to their contributions.
7/01(四) 新三 22.00
7/06(二) 新三 12.50