12th 2010 台北電影節 台北電影獎 Taipei Film Festival TAIPEI AWARDS |
獎項名稱 Name of Prize |
得獎影片∕影人 The Winner of Film / Filmmaker |
百萬首獎 Grand Prize |
乘著光影旅行LET THE WIND CARRY ME 姜秀瓊 CHIANG Hsiu-chiung∕關本良 KWAN Pun-leung |
最佳劇情長片 Best Narrative Feature |
最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary |
乘著光影旅行LET THE WIND CARRY ME 姜秀瓊 CHIANG Hsiu-chiung∕關本良 KWAN Pun-leung |
最佳短片 Best Short |
爸爸不在家DAD’S NOT HOME 陳博彥 Bo-Yan CHEN |
最佳動畫 Best Animation |
簡單作業A PIECE OF CAKE 吳德淳 WU De-Chuen |
最佳導演獎 Best Director |
鄭文堂CHENG Wen-Tang 眼淚 TEARS |
最佳編劇獎 Best Screenplay |
最佳男演員獎 Best Actor |
畢曉海 Xiao-Hai BI 第四張畫 THE FOURTH PORTRAIT |
最佳女演員獎 Best Actress |
陳意涵 CHEN Yihan 聽說 HEAR ME |
最佳男配角獎 Best Supporting Actor |
蔡振南 CAI Zhen-Nan 老徐的完結篇 ENDING CUT |
最佳女配角獎 Best Supporting Actress |
最佳新演員獎 Best New Talent |
郭采潔 Amber KUO 一頁台北 AU REVOIR TAIPEI |
最佳剪輯 Best Editing |
關本良 KWAN Pun- leung∕許紘源 HSU Hung-Yuan 乘著光影旅行LET THE WIND CARRY ME |
最佳攝影 Best Cinematography |
廖本榕 LIAO Peng Jung 臉 FACE |
最佳音樂 Best Music |
雷光夏 Summer LEI∕侯志堅 HO Zhi-Jian 第36個故事 TAIPEI EXCHANGES |
最佳美術設計 Best Art Direction |
黃美清 HUANG Mei-Ching∕陳柏任 CHEN Po-Jen 艋舺MONGA |
電影產業獎-劇情長片 Industry Award for Narrative Feature |
台北星期天 PINOY SUNDAY 何蔚庭 HO Wi-Ding |
電影產業獎-短片 Industry Award for Short |
狙擊手 REAL SNIPER 程偉豪 CHENG Wei-hao |
媒體推薦獎 Media’s Choice Award |
簡單作業 A PIECE OF CAKE 吳德淳 WU De-Chuen |
終身成就獎 Lifetime Achievement Award |
葛香亭KE Hsiang-Ting |
終身成就獎 Lifetime Achievement Award |
文英Wen Ying |
觀眾票選獎 Audience’s Choice Award |
第36個故事 TAIPEI EXCHANGES 蕭雅全 HSIAO Ya-Chuan |
百萬首獎 Grand Prize
姜秀瓊 CHIANG Hsiu-chiung∕關本良 KWAN Pun-leung
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
Like a lyric poem, the film recounts the work and life of a cinematographer. The images are gorgeous and moving while the emotions are subtle and perceptive. The film explores not only the skills of a master but also the essence of the Taiwan New Wave cinema. The strong emotions of all the filmmakers are shown through small details of life. It is a sincere and reflective poem about light that moves all the audiences who loves cinema.
最佳劇情長片 Best Narrative Feature
鍾孟宏 CHUNG Mong-hong
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
This film, of which the form and content is difficult to be categorized, is pioneering in many ways. Not only does it deal with the issue of missing children and immigrant wives, the film intertwines human, environment, and destiny together. Through stylized cinematography and art direction, everyone in the film appears to live an embarrassing life, just like a frog in a bucket on fire. Everyone tries to justify their own existence, yet we can see they are already twisted by their surroundings. The tragic comic nature of the characters makes us cry. And the film is so achingly beautiful that makes us sad. Such is the talent of the director.
最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary
姜秀瓊 CHIANG Hsiu-chiung∕關本良 KWAN Pun-leung
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
Like a lyric poem, the film recounts the work and life of a cinematographer. The images are gorgeous and moving while the emotions are subtle and perceptive. The film explores not only the skills of a master but also the essence of the Taiwan New Wave cinema. The strong emotions of all the filmmakers are shown through small details of life. It is a sincere and reflective poem about light that moves all the audiences who loves cinema.
最佳短片 Best Short
陳博彥 Bo-Yan CHEN
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
Although the props and the style are simple, the director creatively turns an ordinary story into an extraordinary world of fantasy. Accompanied by the wonderful performances of the entire cast, the story of a miserable family in the style of black humor makes this a warm and outstanding short film.
最佳動畫 Best Animation
吳德淳 WU De-Chuen
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
This is a profound and touching film adorned with an incredibly humorous voiceover in Taiwanese. Its style might appear simple and rough, yet this matches the genuine love toward family and homeland encompassed in the film. With its form fits well its content, this is an unforgettable and moving work in which rich creativity and sincere emotions are revealed.
最佳導演獎 Best Director
鄭文堂 CHENG Wen-Tang
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
The Best Director Award is being given to a filmmaker who shows that within the format of the crime film, he can remain fresh, inventive and provocative. His film describes not only crime and corruption in society but also the personal world that collapses around his tragic hero at the end of his life.
最佳編劇獎 Best Screenplay
劉梓潔 Essay LIU
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
The contrast of the film, in which a mournful funeral is portrayed through a comic style, is very creative. The screenplay reinterprets the traditional ritual with a modern perspective in a humorous way. Not only does it records what happens, the screenplay points out the absurdity of the ritual. Moreover, behind everything comic and casual, the screenplay incorporates intense and deep love between the father and the daughter. The real and sincere emotions are revealed unwittingly. A wonderful screenplay.
最佳男演員獎 Best Actor
畢曉海 Xiao-Hai BI
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
For an assured portrayal combing maturity, innocence and vulnerability.
最佳女演員獎 Best Actress
陳意涵 CHEN Yihan
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
Her subtle character portrayal makes her role vivid and lovable although she doesn’t have any lines in most part of the film. Her out-toeing runner manner together with her rich yet simple expressions not only intensify the pure heart of her role but also help the audience to identify with her choices. Swift like a fairy, her performance is the best part of the film.
最佳男配角獎 Best Supporting Actor
蔡振南 CAI Zhen-Nan
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
For a convincing and zestful performance, despite the short role.
最佳女配角獎 Best Supporting Actress
張詩盈 CHEUNG Si-Yin
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
She gives an outstanding performance in this film. Her precise and faithful acting is fully shown in every move she makes. Her multidimensional expressions reflect different layers of emotions, without being confined to sadness and happiness.
最佳新演員獎 Best New Talent
郭采潔 Amber KUO
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
Her performances are fresh, natural, and full of youthful energy. She subtly captures the emotions of a young girl in Taipei city who wishes to fall in love. From being reserved to being courageous, this shift of her frame of mind is well performed in the film. A convincing and unforgettable performance.
最佳剪輯 Best Editing
關本良 KWAN Pun- leung∕許紘源 HSU Hung-Yuan
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
The most difficult job for a documentary is to arrange the materials and organize an effective and emotional narration out of them. This film has loads of materials including film clips, records of real life, and interviews. The fact that final result is sensitive and touching reveals that the directors possess a logical mind and a passionate heart. That’s why this film moves everyone in the world who loves cinema.
最佳攝影 Best Cinematography
廖本榕 LIAO Peng Jung
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
Its composition, lighting, and framing of the images make every shot a precisely composed painting. With the addition of the mirror, the cinematography becomes more difficult, yet it enriches and complements the film. Because of the wonderful arrangement of the cinematographer, even the simple close-ups become rich and lush portrayals of different faces.
最佳音樂 Best Music
雷光夏 Summer LEI∕侯志堅 HO Zhi-Jian
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
Music plays an important role in this film. The rhythm and the melody not only complement the film but also lead the performances of the actors and the development of the story, without being overly used.
最佳美術設計 Best Art Direction
黃美清 HUANG Mei-Ching∕陳柏任 CHEN Po-Jen
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
The art direction is highly stylized in which the colors are vivid and wild. With the art direction alone, the film succeeds in portraying the time of the 80s and the wild youth in three dimensions. It even helped to create a retro hype in Taiwan. The props and setting are well-researched and full of creativity. The art direction plays an important role in the film.
電影產業獎-劇情長片 Industry Award for Narrative Feature
何蔚庭 HO Wi-Ding
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
For exploring the multicultural space of modern Taipei through relationships, the rhythm of city life and its complex landscape. The director shows a fine sense of humor and a lightness of touch in spite of the film’s darker themes of difficult labor relations and emotional isolation.
電影產業獎-短片 Industry Award for Short
程偉豪 CHENG Wei-hao
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
The film precisely captures the dangerous atmosphere in the modern city. No one knows the source of the danger, not to mention who the next target will be. The perspective accurately shifts from an otaku to a SWAT team member. The last sequence masterfully connects these two characters. The sober and precise treatment of the director reminds us of Edward Yang.
媒體推薦獎 Media’s Choice Award
吳德淳 WU De-Chuen
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
A Piece of Cake nicely incorporates its rare creativity into its unique form, which is hard to come by in Taiwanese animations. In this film, three particular elements, namely the style of folk art, the Taiwanese voiceover full of vulgar humor, and the simple yet profound story that reflects family and human relationship, integrate with each other with amazing charm. It shows a new and exciting way for Taiwanese Cinema.
終身成就獎 Lifetime Achievement Awards
葛香亭 KE Hsiang-Ting∕文英 Wen Ying
得獎理由 Jury’s Statement:
觀眾票選獎 Audience’s Choice Award
蕭雅全 HSIAO Ya-Chuan